Should you report misconduct in the work place? Probably.

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2012 | Whistle-blower Claims

Did you know that 20 percent of employees report that they have been the victim of retaliation for reporting improper behavior on the job? As many Wisconsin residents know, it is against the law for an employer to fire an employee in retaliation against a worker’s expressed complaint or concern. A recent article discusses the latest reports about discrimination in the workplace.

According to the article, retaliation is on the rise. A whopping 8.8 million people experienced retaliation from 2009-2011. Furthermore, the instances of revenge range from exclusion at the workplace to harassment or physical harm. However, even if these statistics scare you, you should know that keeping your mouth shut is not always a good idea.


Alan Olson writes this web-log to provide helpful information regarding employment law cases. He practices employment law throughout the United States from his offices in New Berlin, Wisconsin. Attorney Olson may be contacted at [email protected] with questions about the information posted here or for advice on specific retaliation claims.

A number of University employees saw serious repercussions for not reporting misconduct in the workplace. Therefore, reporting seems like a better option than tolerating transgressions at work. Also, a source reports that new law from the Securities and Exchange Commission will go into effect this summer. It will actually reward whistle-blowers for reporting misconduct.

Research shows that there was a difference between people who complained about a predicament to their manager in comparison to workers who filed reports with outside agencies. When employees conveyed a problem to their bosses, retaliation numbers were higher. On the other hand, when complaints were filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), workers were rarely abused by their employers.

It is hard to tattle on an employer or manager for work-related mishaps. Nevertheless, you do not have to tolerate misconduct. A civil rights attorney explains, “If the truth is on your side, with the right evidence, these [cases] are among the easiest to win.”

Source: Forbes, “Workplace snitching: if you see something, should you say something?” Meghan Casserley, Jan. 26, 2012


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