Disability discrimination unfortunately comes in all forms and is not just relegated to the workplace. It is against the law to discriminate against disabled people in various areas of their lives. Wisconsin law gives certain basic rights to all consumers of goods, facilities and services. Recently, a disabled girl made national news after filing a disability discrimination lawsuit when she was denied a kidney transplant.
The 5-year-old has Wolf-Hirschhorn syndome, a complicated genetic disorder that results in physical and mental deterioration. The hospital initially dismissed the mother’s request to donate her own organ for a necessary kidney transplant on the grounds that she was disabled. They also noted the apparent concern that the little girl would have to be on a medication every day after the surgery and that she may not be able to perform that action in her condition.
The family sought legal measures and eventually prompted the state to create legislation banning the discrimination of patients seeking a transplant. The little girl finally received the transplant of her mother’s kidney and is now on the path to a healthy recovery. The hospital has since apologized for their discriminatory action against the family.
Eventually, the family hopes that they can pass the same legislation nationwide. If an individual is disabled, there are laws to protect against discrimination when it comes to buying goods, receiving services or using certain facilities. Wisconsin residents with disabilities have rights that must be protected, and when a line is crossed resulting in disability discrimination, action can be taken. Workers who feel they have faced this type of discrimination may be able to pursue a claim against their employers.
Source: 12 News KBMT and K-JAC. News, Weather and Sports for SE Texas, Disabled NJ girl denied transplant gets mother’s kidney, No author, Oct. 11, 2013