Americans receive unfair long-term disability denial claims every single day despite serious illness and injury. Some insurance companies love to take money in premiums but often hate to pay claims. Simply stated, in a profit-making insurance company; shareholders come first, policyholders come second. Wisconsin policyholders have the right to take action if their claim is denied. Recently, one policyholder filed a lawsuit against an employer for failure to accommodate long-term disability coverage.
The man, a doctor in an emergency unit in a medical center, decided to take action after the alleged breach of contract via his employer. The lawsuit went into effect in October when the medical center failed to provide long-term benefits after a year and a half. The doctor had tried to receive coverage after becoming disabled earlier in 2012.
According to the employment agreement, the doctor should have been covered for long-term disability benefits of up to $166,770. He is suing for compensatory and punitive damages for the breach of contract. Attorney fees and additional costs could also be covered if the doctor wins the settlement.
Before applying for disability benefits, claimants should obtain a complete copy of their insurance policies, including the definition of disability section, and review it carefully to make certain their claims meet the plan’s requirements and definitions. The key to winning long-term disability claims is the strategic and thorough preparation of the initial application for benefits. Wisconsin residents can fight a denial of benefits and win; seeking the right legal counsel can be imperative to achieve success in court.
Source:, Doctor wants disability coverage, Joel Brakken, Oct. 22, 2013