When a person is desperate for income due to being unable to work for physical or mental reasons, Social Security Disability can be a huge help in Wisconsin. The process of filing a Social Security Disability claim, however, can be cumbersome and lengthy. Right now, the question of how much medical information is required to accurately accept or deny a claim is being debated.
When a Social Security judge is reviewing a claim, he or she must create a record. This means that the judge has to gather all medical evidence that will help in reaching the right decision regarding a person’s eligibility for disability insurance benefits. The problem is that many judges have to determine several cases each day and thus are limited in their time.
As a result, they often only review the medical data that applicants initially provide. They typically don’t request more information because it can be difficult to determine which medical facilities or physicians should be subpoenaed for additional data. Some individuals are now proposing that disability applicants be required to give up more of their medical information from the start, even if it could end up hurting their cases.
People who have been told by a doctor that they are unfit to work may feel shocked and not understand how to cope with such a trying situation. After all, if people can’t work, they typically cannot provide for themselves or their families. This is especially difficult for an individual who is his or her family’s primary breadwinner. Getting a Social Security Disability insurance claim denied can cause further anger and duress. However, there is a chance that a denied claim can end up being accepted in Wisconsin; comprehensively knowing the law might help a person to finally get the benefits he or she deserves and requires.
Source: The Wall Street Journal, Social Security Proposes to Tighten Rules on Disability Appeals, Damian Paletta, March 6, 2014