What can I do if my long-term benefits are denied?

We hope that you never have to learn about your long-term disability benefits by having to call upon them. But unfortunately, the reason why such benefits exist is because sometimes people just like you can find themselves suffering from an injury or illness that keeps them from working for lengthy durations.

We also hope that if you ever do need to call upon your long-term benefits that the process of making your benefits claim goes smoothly and that your employer and its benefits insurer are sympathetic and cooperative. But again, if that was always the case then there would be no need for we at Alan C. Olson & Associates to be as experienced as we are with helping clients to resolve disputes connected with their long-term disability benefits.

The truth is, insurance companies that handle long-term disability benefit claims are profit-driven; and they do not profit by paying out benefits. While most of these companies will in good faith uphold their end of the bargain when you need to present a claim to them, occasionally problems can arise when the insurer chooses to fight you instead of help you. This can be the case when you are suffering from a condition that does not lend itself to ready diagnosis through X-rays or other ordinary diagnostic tools, such as chronic pain or chronic fatigue. These are real afflictions that can have long-term effects on you, but if the insurer balks at recognizing them you will need to find a way to overcome resistance on the part of the insurer.

Helping clients in Wisconsin to secure the long-term disability benefits that they deserve is an integral part of our practice. We have the experience in negotiating and where necessary litigating on our clients’ behalf to see to it that insurers uphold their end of the deal when it comes to securing the benefits that you have worked for and have a right to expect when you need them. To learn more about our practice and our work as denied disability benefits attorneys, you can visit our website, which also has additional ways that you can contact us either online or by telephone.


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