The numbers might jump out and surprise some readers of our Milwaukee employment law blog, but here it is: 1 in 5 Americans are disabled.
Because of changing attitudes and evolving technologies, it is today easier to live a full life with a disability than ever before. But living life to its fullest potential is often only possible when long-term disability insurance coverage is honored by the insurer and benefits are paid.
When those benefits are denied, hardship and poverty can take over a person’s life.
A recent column in the New York Times noted that able-bodied people sometimes don’t realize how common disabilities really are: “disability is everywhere once you start noticing,” the author stated. There are people using wheelchairs, canes, service animals, breathing devices and many other means of living life fully.
The author adds that “most of us will move in and out of disability in our lifetimes.” For some, it is due to injury or illness, but for others it will simply be a part of aging.
She also notes that her own disability (she has a total of six fingers and also has “one quite short arm”) has given her some advantages, including a constant resourcefulness.
The author writes that there is no shame in disability and that language describing people and their disabilities has changed for the better. She expects more positive change in coming days for this growing, vibrant community.
For those facing challenges brought on by disability, financial security can be crucial. You can discuss your circumstances with a Milwaukee attorney experienced in fighting for full long-term disability insurance benefits.