Gender discrimination lawsuits result in settlements, resignation

On Behalf of | Nov 17, 2016 | Employment Law

When we look around the Midwest from our Milwaukee vantage point, we sometimes see that other places struggle with workplace discrimination, too. One example can be found in West De Moines, Iowa.

The police chief there recently resigned after a sexual discrimination lawsuit was filed by a sergeant on the city’s police department. According to newspaper reports, she is the most recent of three women to sue him and the city for sexual discrimination.

The city manager asked for and received the resignation of Police Chief Shaun LaDue, the Des Moines Register reported.

Two of the three lawsuits have been settled by the city. LaDue was hired by West Des Moines, a city with about 57,000 residents, four years ago.

The employment law attorney representing the sergeant who filed the recent legal claim said, “We hope city leaders will focus their search for a new chief on someone who can heal the wounds caused by the culture of sexism and intimidation.”

The officer testified in court that LaDue and other department employees mistreated her because she’s female. Her attorney said the city decided to settle when the outcome of the lawsuit became more apparent to them.

A former animal control officer and a former crime analyst both settled their gender discrimination suits against the chief and city. The animal control officer settled for $30,000 and the analyst received $150,000.

Those who endure gender discrimination in the workplace can protect their rights with the help of an experienced employment law attorney.


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