Time off work could help you cope with PTSD

We all need a mental health day from time to time. Certain circumstances and life events can lead to feelings of hopelessness, result in anxiety or cause physical illness.

But while most people feel like they reach their mental breaking point occasionally, some events can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you have experienced or seen a severe event, you could suffer from PTSD and need help recovering from its effects.

When should you seek medical attention?

Many people might believe that military veterans are the only ones who suffer from PTSD. And while this is, unfortunately, not uncommon among service members, those involved in combat situations are not the only ones who suffer from PTSD.

PTSD could develop following a devastating natural disaster, personal assault, catastrophic accident, domestic violence, or sudden loss of a loved one.

You might benefit from psychological help if you:

  • Act aggressively
  • Have recurrent nightmares
  • Involuntarily react to things that remind you of your trauma
  • Lack interest in activities or people
  • Engage in self-destructive behaviors
  • Avoid people or places which remind you about the trauma you suffered

While your thoughts, feelings and actions might change significantly due to a traumatic event, there is help available.

Take the time to get the help you need

In addition to the personal adverse effects PTSD can cause, it can take a toll on those around you as well, since the disorder often changes who you are and how you involve yourself with the world. Rather than struggling with your symptoms, you might choose to speak to a friend, counselor or spiritual leader to help you determine what you can do to work through your trauma.

If you find that you suffer from PTSD, long-term disability can provide the financial support necessary for dedicating time to working toward your recovery.


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