Fox News host Britt McHenry files sexual harassment suit against network

On Behalf of | Dec 17, 2019 | Employment Law

As it is in Milwaukee, Fox News is the number one cable network across the nation. According to recently released data from Nielsen, Fox has topped other cable networks for the fourth year in a row.

Not all the news about Fox is positive, however. The network was recently accused of retaliating against Fox Nation host Britt McHenry after she complained about sexual harassment by former co-host George “Tyrus” Murdoch.

The sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit also claims that inquiries on behalf of the network into her allegations were “sham investigations.”

In a statement, McHenry said, “the last thing I wanted to do was file this lawsuit. But I had to stand up for what’s right for myself and for women.”

Both Fox News and Murdoch deny her allegations.

McHenry says in her suit that Murdoch began sending her sexually suggestive texts in October of last year. According to court documents, Murdoch wrote in one text: “I love pony tails and braids you look amazing and it’s a real turn on not that you care but I love it.”

In another, he wrote that a photo of McHenry “looks so good I would knock up the picture.”

She says Murdoch also harassed her in person, and that after she reported his inappropriate workplace behavior, her professional opportunities at the network dwindled and marketing for her program called “UN-PC” evaporated.

The lawsuit comes at an awkward time for Fox News. The 2016 sexual harassment scandal that led to the ouster of Fox News founder Roger Ailes is the subject of “Bombshell,” a new film starring Nicole Kidman.

Three years ago a lawsuit filed by former Fox personality Gretchen Carlson (played by Kidman in the movie) against Ailes and Fox was the first in a series of sexual harassment claims against the powerful head of the network. More than 20 women eventually accused Ailes of misconduct.

When victims of harassment and retaliation fight back, even the powerful can be brought to justice. If you have been subjected to sexually abusive workplace behavior, contact the Milwaukee employment law firm of Alan C. Olson and Associates to discuss possible litigation and compensation.


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