Survey: Most workers have experienced or seen workplace discrimination

On Behalf of | Feb 13, 2020 | Employment Law

The good news is that a new survey shows that three out of four U.S. workers believe that their company’s workforce is diverse. On the downside, three out of five U.S. workers say they have experienced or witnessed workplace discrimination based on age, gender, race or LGBTQ identity.

The survey conducted by Harris Poll for job and recruiting site Glassdoor also indicates that the most common types of discrimination experienced or observed in American workplaces are based on age and gender. Forty-two percent of employees have either seen or been subjected to discrimination based on either gender or age, Glassdoor said.

The recently released survey also shows that one in three workers has experienced or witnessed discrimination based on LGBTQ identity.

The Glassdoor-Harris poll also indicates that workers between the ages of 18 and 34 are more likely to have seen or been subjected to discrimination based on age, gender, race or LGBQT identity than older workers (age 55 and above).

While it might seem counterintuitive, a higher percentage of younger workers (52 percent) says they’ve witnessed/experienced ageism in the workplace than older workers (39 percent).

A higher percentage of younger workers (50 percent) reported that they have witnessed/experienced race-based discrimination than older workers (33 percent). The same is true of gender-based discrimination: 52 percent of younger workers reported that they have seen or been subjected to it, while 30 percent of older workers said they have witnessed or experienced it.

The trend continues with LGBTQ-based discrimination, with 43 percent of younger workers indicating that they have seen it or felt it personally, while the percentage for older workers is significantly lower at 18 percent.

If a Milwaukee employer has discriminated against you based on gender, age, race or LGBTQ identity, contact the employment law attorneys of Alan C. Olson and Associates.


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