Whenever you take a new job, you have a lot of paperwork to fill out and decisions to make. Do you have options as to what health plan you’ll receive? How much will you contribute to your 401K? Will you sign up for short-term and long-term disability insurance?
If you’re healthy, you may wonder if getting long-term disability insurance is worth it. However, according to the Social Security Administration, 1 and 4 of 20-year-olds will be disabled before they are 67. It’s also more likely that you’ll need to use long-term disability than suffer an early death.
Common conditions people need long-term disability pay for
You also might think that only those with very physical, taxing jobs might need long-term disability. Yet, the most common conditions people use it for can happen to anyone. The most common conditions people cite to qualify for long-term disability pay include the following:
- Cancer
- Arthritis
- Back Pain
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
Why having long-term disability is so helpful
Employees who have long-term disability benefits generally can receive them after their short-term disability pay has expired or they have been suffering from their illness or ailment for more than a few months. Long-term disability benefits often replace your income by 50-70% while you are dealing with your health problem. The average claim lasts 34.6 months.
Because nearly half of Americans don’t have even $400 to cover an emergency, having long-term disability benefits can help in a tough situation. Otherwise, you will not only struggle to pay your medical bills, but also your mortgage and other bills.
Having long-term disability benefits can help you avoid tapping into your retirement savings too and you don’t have restrictions on how you can use the money. Also, if you use the long-term disability coverage your employer offers, your benefits are tax-free.
When you might need to seek help
However, at times, some employees face denial to receive their long-term disability benefits. Or your insurance provider may dispute how long you need benefits for. If you have problems getting the long-term disability pay you deserve, you’ll need to reach out to an attorney. An attorney with experience handling long-term disability claims can help ensure you get the benefits you need.