The Civil Rights Act and other laws protect workers from discrimination on the basis of religion. As with other protected characteristics like sex and race, this means covered employers cannot treat workers differently because of their religion. However, they must...
Religious discrimination
Examples of workplace religious discrimination
All workers in Wisconsin deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Unfortunately, some employers and supervisors violate the law and discriminate against employees based on certain protected characteristics. One of those characteristics is religion; these are...
What kind of religious accommodations must my employer grant me?
Federal anti-discrimination laws outline certain reasonable accommodations that all private and public employers are required to grant to their employees. These accommodations serve to allow employees with disabilities or special requirements the ability to perform...
Do employers have vicarious liability for discrimination or harassment?
Businesses are often liable for illegal behavior on the part of their employees toward other employees and customers in the workplace. This so-called “vicarious liability” can apply to situations in which your boss is harassing or discriminating against you. The U.S....
Former Greendale teacher sues district for violating his religious freedom rights
A lawsuit filed by a former Greendale School District teacher indicates that the district doesn’t celebrate or welcome diversity of religious beliefs. Robert Clay recently filed a religious discrimination lawsuit against the district, accusing it of violating his...