The Wisconsin unemployment insurance program provides financial assistance to eligible Badger State residents who are between jobs. The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development administers the employer-funded program, and the benefits unemployed individuals...
Unemployment Insurance
Making Ends Meet Between Jobs
The wait for unemployment assistance is staggering
For many, the year 2020 has been fraught with worry, especially due to financial issues. While it may seem like many aspects of the world have stalled, many deadlines for making payments certainly haven't. Unemployment claims climbed to historic highs and overloaded...
Tips for Appearing at Your Unemployment Insurance Hearing
1. Confirm your date and time. Review your unemployment insurance hearing notice, and contact your attorney to confirm your hearing date and time. Your attorney will likely arrange to meet you before the hearing is scheduled to begin. 2. Prepare your attorney. Turn...
What to Expect at Milwaukee Unemployment Insurance Hearings.
1. LOCATION. Unemployment Insurance hearings in the 5 county Milwaukee-metro area typically take place downtown, in a conference room, at the State Office Building. Hearings are seldom held at remote locations at this time due to budgeting issues.2. PEOPLE. Hearings...
How do Wisconsin Unemployment Insurance claims progress?
Individuals are often curious about how their unemployment insurance claim will progress through the system and how long it will take. These are the steps and the available appeals. 1. Application for benefits. Eligible employees may make their initial claims...
Is Unemployment Insurance Available for Furloughed Federal Employees?
Yes. If an employee is terminated or laid off from his position by no fault of his own, he is entitled to collect unemployment insurance benefits. A furlough or lay off from a government position due to the current shutdown in Washington is no different.Although...
Proposed Unemployment Insurance Changes Threaten Benefits
Yesterday, Wisconsin State Legislature's Joint Finance Committee, a 16-member standing committee, proposed substantial changes to the Unemployment Insurance system, including big changes to the definition of "misconduct" in unemployment insurance cases.The Committee's...
Are Unemployment Insurance Benefits Taxable?
It's tax time, and workers who collected unemployment in Wisconsin in 2012 are wondering whether they owe any taxes on their benefit payments. In short, they do. In 2009, the first $2,400 of unemployment insurance payments was exempt from federal income tax. The...
How long will I continue to receive Unemployment Insurance?
In Wisconsin, unemployed workers who otherwise qualify for benefits may typically collect unemployment insurance benefits for 26 weeks. Since the start of the Great Recession, employees have at times been able to collect benefits for as many as 99 weeks. Currently,...