It happens in Milwaukee and it happens in cities and towns across the nation as well. When people blow the whistle on improper or illegal behavior in the workplace, they are often subjected to retaliation by supervisors and employers; retaliation that is expressly...
Month: July 2016
Drumming up support for paid medical leave in Wisconsin
Wisconsin lawmakers have before them a proposal to enable workers to take time away from their jobs for illness or emergency. The Wisconsin Family Leave Insurance bill would make it possible for employees to receive pay for up to 12 weeks for medical reasons or family...
EEOC sends message on inflexible medical leave policies
Companies that are determined to have violated provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act sometimes hope they can negotiate a settlement with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, write a check and make their problems evaporate.The EEOC has proven...
3 ways to protect yourself with the upcoming changes in overtime rules
Later this year, the rules that govern overtime pay in the U.S. will be changing. The change will raise the earning threshold for overtime eligibility, making more employees eligible to receive time-and-a-half pay for any hours worked over 40. To learn more about the...
New study reveals occupational dangers for men and women
When we think of Wisconsin farms, we often think of pastoral settings in which hard work makes for plentiful harvests. Yet a recent government study shows that among men, farmers and forestry workers have the highest rates of suicide.Previous studies suggested that...
A day to honor whistleblowers
It is a rare sight these days to see members of the Democratic Party working with members of the Republican Party. While a tumultuous presidential election campaign is underway, a handful of Republicans and Democrats have found an issue on which they have some common...