Last week we wrote about whistle-blower law and about how workers who report the illegal or fraudulent practices of their employers generally cannot be retaliated against for doing so. There are other types of situations in which employers cannot respond to an...
Month: November 2012
Whistle-blower claim points to fraud at for-profit colleges
Whenever an employer in Wisconsin is engaged in fraud or another illegal activity, an employee who knows of these activities can report the actions to authorities. Filing such a report can put employees in an awkward position, as the employer might then retaliate by...
Black Friday strikes call attention to employee rights
Those who ventured out shopping in the early morning hours today, or late night hours Thursday, may have run into a picket line or protest at their local Walmart. In fact, even people in Milwaukee who opted to stay at home and skip the Black Friday frenzy may have...
Comfort Inn franchise accused of pregnancy discrimination
While many pregnant women in Wisconsin may be aware that they have a right to maternity leave under the Family Medical Leave Act, they may not be aware that they also have certain rights in the workplace before the birth of the child. Under federal law, specifically...
Lawsuit: employer avoided overtime pay with ‘ghost timecards’
Under both federal and Wisconsin state laws, workers must be paid one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 per week. There are a few industries or professions that are exempt from the right to overtime, but the majority of...
Whistle-blower protection bill sent to Obama’s desk
Back in August we discussed the Justice Department's decision to appoint a whistle-blower ombudsman to help ensure that whistle-blower violations in the government are well investigated, and now a bill is before President Barack Obama that would enhance whistle-blower...
Experience makes the difference in Social Security Disability cases
A claimant may file an application for Social Security Disability benefits at any time after their disability begins, but the longer the claimant waits to file, the harder it can be to secure benefits. With the help of an attorney however, that process becomes much...
Milwaukee age discrimination suit settles for $32K
In April, 2010, a 62-year-old Wisconsin woman was fired from Computer Systems, LLC, in Milwaukee. The woman had worked loyally for the company for 38 years before she was suddenly replaced by a younger employee who she had just finished training. Last month, the now...
Why moms are in desperate need of maternity leave
Ask any Milwaukee family and they will tell you having a child is not an easy endeavor. Cravings to childbirth are just the beginning. After bringing the little bundle of joy home families face numerous challenges both in and outside the home. Childcare, diapers,...
Whistle-blower sues his lawyers, says they led him to prosecution
Earlier this fall in this Wisconsin employment law blog, we discussed a massive False Claims Act case in which a whistle-blower was awarded $104 million for his role in bringing a company to justice. The man was a former employee of UBS bank and he helped the...