As they do every year, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission released their list of top charges for the previous fiscal year. Between October 2013 and September 2014, nearly 90,000 charges were filed. As it has since fiscal year 2009, retaliation (being punished...
Month: May 2015
Understanding Wisconsin’s whistle-blower laws
A workplace is expected to be a safe environment, free of corruption in all of its ugly forms. Yet, many people all over the state of Wisconsin work every day in workplaces filled with blackmail, embezzlement, gross waste of funds and other shady business practices....
Who qualifies for disability under the ADA?
The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law in order to protect people with mental or physical handicaps. Under the ADA, employers cannot legally discriminate against someone because they have a disability. It also compels public transportation,...
Should you file for short-term or long-term disability?
When you are suddenly unable to work, the effects can be devastating if you do not immediately file for disability. Knowing whether you need to file for short-term or long-term disability can be tricky, depending on the circumstances. On one hand, you may feel like...
Qui tam actions: how we can help
Qui tam actions are lawsuits filed by employees who believe their employers defrauded the government. Such employees are known as whistle-blowers. Without whistle-blowers, many employers would continue to violate the law without facing consequences. The False Claims...
Protecting your rights: do you know what you don’t know?
If we step back and look at employer-employee relationships in Wisconsin for the past century, the obvious good news is that through a combination of federal and state legislation passed over the years, as an employee you have more rights and more protections today...
Whistleblower paid by the SEC
Wisconsin employees may be interested in learning more about the first-ever whistleblower payment made by the Securities Exchange Commission on April 28. The reward was given as a part of the federal government's new whistleblower rewards initiative. The recipient of...
Failure to report sexual harassment in Wisconsin
According to some experts, people are frequently failing to file suit against employers for sexual harassment. A representative of the National Women's Law Center has stated that the majority of harassment cases are not reported. These issues show up in both low-level...
Understanding federal whistleblower laws
The anonymous person who led federal investigators to a "flash crash" trader could collect millions of dollars for the information under the federal whistleblower laws. Under the program created as part of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform movement, informants...